Best Reviews
Effingham State Bank
133 West Jefferson
Effingham, IL 62401
(217) 342-7300

With an innovative and supportive group of men and women sitting on its board, Effingham State Bank has retained its Independent Community Bank status into the new millennium. Its dedicated staff and knowledgeable managers exchange information and ideas freely, keeping pace with the ever-changing world of banking.

Mission Statement
"Midland States Bancorp will be a leader in commercial banking services focused upon delivering niche expertise to provide superior returns to its stockholders."

Customer Service Statement
"Effingham State Bank staff members recognize that our customers are the most important people in our banking facility. We pledge that our customers will receive quality service from all of our committed staff members. Whether banking by phone, in person, by mail, or any banking system, our staff will provide quick and accurate service that fits each customer's individual needs.

Through quality, commitment, and service, our customers will know they are dealing with a knowledgeable and friendly bank that sincerely has a need to make the customer feel important and at ease. By ensuring customer satisfaction and developing a relationship with our customers, we will then ensure a bright future for our customers and Effingham State Bank."