Holding Company

Midland States Bancorp of Effingham, Illinois, is the parent company of the Effingham State Bank. Effingham State Bank has divisions in Altamont, Farina, Greenville, Centralia and Carlyle Illinois. Midland was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois on June 1, 1988.

Its corporate mission is as follows:

Midland States Bancorp will achieve improved shareholder value in order to remain a viable independent community bank by realizing above average returns to its shareholders as defined by tangible Return on Equity when compared to its Uniform Bank Performance Report peer group average. This goal will be accomplished within a three-year horizon as the institution continues to strive for high performance results and optimum value for its shareholders, employees, and the markets it serves.

We will be the best banks in the markets we serve from a customer, employee, and investor perspective by striving to excel in all that we do.

Officers of Midland States Bancorp:

Robert Pillers Chairman
Randall J. Dempsey President
Norman Schultz Vice President
Rhonda Bowles Secretary
Bev Soltwedel Assistant Secretary